
Welcome! I'm Alberto, Product Manager with a passion for innovation, web3, and AI.

This Gitbook is meant to tackle an information gap that I have always found interesting. Web3 content is either for especulators (coin shills, marketing, investor reports) or for developers. There is very little information about how web3 products are built and what are the legos that make this happen.

CEO's, product managers, marketers, designers need to understand how things work on a deeper level than investors and users, but not as deep as developers, which is what I will try to achieve here. Also, I will try to make most of the content Bi-lingual. I am from Costa Rica, have lived in Argentina, and there is a crazy amount of talent that is limited by the language gap. I will publish most of my content for free in Spanish here.

English will be share as linkedin articles or sold as an e-book (or book) sometime later in the year.

Last updated